The United Kingdom: Business Travel Rules Updated

Key Points  

  • The United Kingdom updated its business visitor rules and permissible activities on 30 January 2024  


The government of the United Kingdom introduced changes to its business visa rules on 30 January 2024. These changes aim to simplify measures for foreign nationals entering the country for business purposes. These changes include the following: 

  • Intra-corporate activities: Employees of overseas companies can now advise, consult, troubleshoot, provide training and share skills with UK employees of the same corporate group. 
  • Wider coverage for the legal sector: The list of permitted activities now includes providing legal services such as advice, appearing in arbitrations, acting as an arbitrator or mediator, appearing in court, participating in conferences or teaching, providing advocacy and handling litigation or transactional legal services. 

Looking Ahead  

Continue to check the government of the UK’s website and Envoy’s website for the latest updates and information.  

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