Singapore: Revised Hotel Quarantine Requirements for COVID-19 Positive Travelers

Last Updated on February 23, 2023

Key Points  

  •  Hotel quarantine measures will be adjusted for travelers residing in hotels after testing positive for COVID-19 beginning 20 Dec. 2021 


The government of Singapore will adjust hotel quarantine measures for travelers residing in hotels after testing positive for COVID-19 on a PCR test or antigen rapid test (ART) or who have been in close contact with an individual confirmed to have COVID-19 beginning 20 Dec. 2021. Additional protocol information varies based on the test performed or if the traveler is quarantined due to close contact.  

Travelers who tested positive on a COVID-19 PCR test must:  

  • Remain in isolation at a quarantine hotel and do not leave the assigned room; 
  • Alert hotel staff of their positive result and complete the FormSG; 
  • Remain in isolation in a hotel room for a period of 10 days if fully vaccinated or 14 days if unvaccinated or partially vaccinated.
    • In order to avoid close contact, all positive travelers will receive an Isolation Order (IO) that suspends any additional testing requirements throughout the duration of the quarantine. This will include travelers who arrived via a Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) .

Travelers on a VTL who tested positive on an ART must: 

  • Undergo a confirmatory PCR test at a Combined Test Centre (CTC); 
  • Remain in self-isolation until a negative PCR result is received or 
    • if negative test result is received the traveler must:  
      • Remain in isolation at a quarantine hotel and cannot leave the assigned room; 
      • Alert hotel staff of the positive result and complete the FormSG; 
      • Remain in isolation in a hotel room for a period of 10 days if fully vaccinated or 14 days if unvaccinated or partially vaccinated 

 For additional information on alternative quarantine locations click here.  

What are the Changes? 

The government of Singapore has adjusted the quarantine and testing requirements for travelers staying in hotel quarantine locations. These measures will go into place on 20 Dec. 2021.  

Looking Ahead  

Continue to check the government of Singapore’s website and Envoy’s website for additional updates and information.  

Content in this publication is for informational purposes only and not intended as legal advice, nor should it be relied on as such. For additional information on the issues discussed, consult an attorney at one of the two U.S. Law Firms working with the Envoy Platform or another qualified professional. On non-U.S. immigration issues, consult an Envoy global immigration service provider or another qualified representative.