Kuwait: Biometric Deadline Extended

Key Points  

  • Kuwait extended its fingerprinting deadline for foreign nationals and citizens  


The government of Kuwait extended the fingerprint registration deadlines for foreign nationals and citizens to submit biometric data. Citizens now have until 30 September 2024, and foreign residents until 30 December 2024 to register.  

The original deadline was 1 June 2024. After these dates, anyone who hasn’t registered will be denied access to the Ministry of Interior services. 

Biometric registration centers are available at all border crossings, including Kuwait International Airport and certain shopping centers. Appointments can be booked via the Meta platform or the Sahel app. Travelers can leave Kuwait without registering their fingerprints, as they will be registered upon return. 

Looking Ahead  

Continue to check the government of Kuwait’s website and Envoy Global’s website for the latest updates and information.  

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