Ireland: Employment Permit Bill 2022

Key Points 

  • Ireland will introduce changes to its immigration policies once Employment Permit Bill 2022 enters into force  


The government of Ireland signed the Employment Permits Bill 2022 on 25 June 2024. Some of the measures include under the bill are as follows:  

  • The bill will reduce the timeline in which employees must wait before changing employers under their employment permit.  
  • Certain labor market testing requirements will be removed under the bill so that employers will only be required to advertise the position on online platforms and not through local newspapers.  
  • A new seasonal employment permit category will be developed.  
  • Employees will be expected to submit changes to their home address to the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment.  

Looking Ahead  

Continue to check the government of Ireland’s website and Envoy Global’s website for the latest updates and information.  

Content in this publication is for informational purposes only and not intended as legal advice, nor should it be relied on as such. For additional information on the issues discussed, consult an attorney at Corporate Immigration Partners, P.C., or another qualified professional of your choosing. On non-U.S. immigration issues, consult your Envoy representative, or another qualified representative of your choosing.