Hungary: New Short-Term Guest-Worker Permit Category

Key Points

  • Hungary introduced a new guest-worker permit category for foreign nationals from countries outside the European Economic Area 


The government of Hungary introduced a new guest-worker permit category for foreign nationals from countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA). The new permit permits an initial stay of two years and can be extended for an additional one-year period.  

After a period of three years in Hungary holding the guest-worker permit status, the holder can then reapply for a new application. Eligible applicants must provide proof of valid travel documents, proof of a place to stay, and proof of sufficient funds.  

What are the Changes?  

The Hungarian government introduced a new guest-worker permit for foreign nationals outside the EEA. The government will allow separate offices to review and establish certain conditions of the permit, including details on annual salary thresholds and the list of eligible countries. 

Looking Ahead  

Continue to check the government of Hungary’s website and Envoy’s website for the latest updates and information. 

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