Canada: Extended Work Hours for Foreign National Students

Last Updated on February 23, 2023

Key Points   

  • Canada introduced new temporary measures for foreign national students in Canada that will expand off-campus work options and allow select students to renew permit permissions online


Effective 15 November 2022 until 31 December 2023, the government of Canada will extend the hours in which foreign national students can work off-campus. As a result, these individuals will not be restricted by the previous 20-hour per-week work rule.  The government of Canada will also launch a new pilot project to automate the processing of study permit extensions.   

What are the Changes?   

The government of Canada introduced new measures for foreign national student workers. According to the government, the pilot project will create faster processing times and improved customer service.   

Looking Ahead   

The government of Canada stated that if the pilot program is a success, it will be expanded to include more applications. Continue to check the government of Canada’s website and Envoy’s website for the latest updates and information.   

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