The United Kingdom: Delays in the Printing of Biometric Residence Permits

Key Points  

  • The UK is currently experiencing delays in the printing of Biometric Residence permits  


The government of the United Kingdom (UK) announced that the Department for Works and Pension (DWP), which issues National Insurance Number (or equivalent to US Social Security), are currently experiencing delays, which will result in the delays of the issue of Biometric Residence permits (NI Numbers are printed on the BRPs). As a result, the following steps should be taken: 

The Envoy UK Legal team can assist employers with completing a manual check (ESC) on the individual’s entry vignette. However, the ECS process may also experience delays that can prevent employees from starting work immediately.  

What are the Changes?  

The government of the UK announced potential delays in the delivery and printing of BRP cards. This may result in delays for employees’ right to work in the UK.  

Looking Ahead  

Continue to check the government of the UK’s website and Envoy’s website for the latest updates and information.

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Content in this publication is for informational purposes only and not intended as legal advice, nor should it be relied on as such. For additional information on the issues discussed, consult an attorney at Corporate Immigration Partners, P.C., or another qualified professional of your choosing. On non-U.S. immigration issues, consult your Envoy representative, or another qualified representative of your choosing.

 OISC registration number F202000157