Thailand: Updates for the Urgent Work Permit Category

Key Points  

  • Thailand introduced an updated list of activities that qualify under an Urgent Work Permit  


The government of Thailand updated the Department of Employment’s list of activities that qualify for an Urgent Work Permit (UWP) or Ad-hoc work designation. The previous directive from 14 October 2020 has been revoked, and the new list includes existing and new activities. 

A new addition is: 

Item (13) Work supported by government agencies: 

  • (a) Mega event organization or international festival 
  • (b) International music festival or concert 

The full list of urgent works now includes: 

  • Recruitment for overseas job placement 
  • Organizing conferences, training, seminars, exhibitions or trade fairs 
  • Machinery maintenance and installation 
  • Electric train technician work 
  • Aircraft technician work 
  • Production process inspection or improvement 
  • Product quality control 
  • Technical issue resolution 
  • Occasional internal audits 
  • Machinery and electric generator maintenance 
  • Movie filming and slide photography 
  • Machinery maintenance consulting 
  • Work supported by government agencies (e.g., mega events and festivals) 
  • Technical skill testing for overseas job placement 
  • Special academic lectures 
  • Machinery demonstration and testing 
  • Aviation superintendent work. 

This update reflects current needs and supports the growth of international events in Thailand. 

Looking Ahead  

Continue to check the government of Thailand’s website and Envoy Global’s website for the latest updates and information.  


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