[Updated]: Luxembourg: Entrance Restrictions Extended and More Approved Vaccination Certificates

Last Updated on February 23, 2023

This article was originally published on 2 Feb. 2022 and was updated on 25 April 2022 to reflect new information.  

25 April 2022 Update: Beginning 22 April 2022, the government of Luxembourg will no longer require travelers from a European Union (EU) country or other approved country or region to present proof of vaccination, proof of recovery or a negative COVID-19 test upon arrival.  

Travelers from countries outside of the EU will continue to be required to provide proof of one of the above-mentioned certificates.  

Key Points  

  • Third-country nationals not holding an approved vaccination certificate will not be permitted to enter Luxembourg until 31 March 2022  
  • Vaccination certificates issued in Montenegro, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda and Taiwan now accepted by the government of Luxembourg  


The government of Luxembourg will extend entrance restrictions for third-country nationals who reside outside of the European Union and Schengen Area until 31 Mar. 2022.  

In addition, the government of Luxembourg will accept vaccination certificates issued by the authorities of Montenegro, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda and Taiwan. This will allow travelers holding vaccination certificates issued in one of these countries to enter Luxembourg under the vaccination protocols, including for non-essential purposes. For a list of approved vaccines and other eligible third country vaccination certificates, click here.  

What are the Changes? 

The government of Luxembourg will accept vaccination certificates issued in the countries and territories of Montenegro, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda and Taiwan. This will allow travelers holding vaccination certificates issued in these countries or territories to enter Luxembourg in a more streamlined way, even for non-essential purposes. Travelers arriving from third countries who do not hold a vaccination certificate approved by the government of Luxembourg will not be permitted to enter the country until 31 Mar. 2022.  

Looking Ahead  

Continue to check the government of Luxembourg's website and Envoy’s website for additional updates and information.  

Content in this publication is for informational purposes only and not intended as legal advice, nor should it be relied on as such. For additional information on the issues discussed, consult an attorney at one of the two U.S. Law Firms working with the Envoy Platform or another qualified professional. On non-U.S. immigration issues, consult an Envoy global immigration service provider or another qualified representative.