[Updated]: Finland: D Visa and Faster Application Processing Route for Specialists and Start-Up Entrepreneurs

Last Updated on February 23, 2023

This article was originally published on 20 Dec. 2022 and was updated on 2 June 2022 to reflect new information.  

1 June 2022 Update: The government of Finland launched a new fast-track service for specialists, start-up entrepreneurs, Blue Card applicants and their family members on 1 June 2022. Specialists include information technology experts and applicants holding a higher education degree. The sponsored roles must require expert knowledge for the work undertaken in Finland.  

According to the government, the processing time for a fast-track application will be a maximum period of two weeks. This service will be open to applicants who pay and apply online and who can prove their identity at a service point abroad within five working days of submitting the initial application. The applicant will then have their biometric data collected before receiving a residence permit card. 

The government of Finland also introduced a new type of permit called the national D visa. The D visa will allow foreign nationals to travel to Finland as soon as a residence permit has been approved and the applicant has proven their identity to obtain their residence permit card. Previously, applicants were required to obtain their residence permit card prior to traveling to Finland. The residence permit card will be sent to the applicant’s address in Finland that they have provided on their initial application.  

Key Points  

  • Fast track service route for specialists and start-up entrepreneurs opening in June 2022 
  • Launch of the D visa in June 2022 


In June 2022, the government of Finland will launch a fast-track service route for specialists and start-up entrepreneurs entering Finland and open a new visa type called the D visa. In order to use the fast-track service route, applicants will be required to submit and pay for the application online. The process will be partially automated to ensure a processing time of around two to three weeks.  

The D visa will allow individuals to travel to Finland as soon as a residence permit has been granted. Before entering Finland, the applicant will need to prove their identity abroad and have fingerprints taken for the residence permit card.  

What are the Changes? 

The government of Finland plans to launch a new fast track service route for processing applications from specialists and start-up entrepreneurs in addition to adding a new visa type to its immigration processes. The government aims to have the route and new visa type in use by June 2022.  

Looking Ahead  

Continue to check the government of Finland's website and Envoy’s website for additional updates and information. 

Content in this publication is for informational purposes only and not intended as legal advice, nor should it be relied on as such. For additional information on the issues discussed, consult an attorney at one of the two U.S. Law Firms working with the Envoy Platform or another qualified professional. On non-U.S. immigration issues, consult an Envoy global immigration service provider or another qualified representative.