Introducing Envoy Insights, The Latest Data-Driven Endeavor from Immigration Technology Startup Envoy Global

Last Updated on January 3, 2025

What is Envoy Insights?

Envoy Insights’ mission is to provide a centralized location for employment-based immigration data and analysis. Whether you’re a journalist, an analyst or a human resources professional, this site will help you examine data to help inform stories, identify trends and benchmark your company’s use of immigration in your recruiting efforts and talent acquisition strategy against your local and national competitors. The data presented on this website comes directly from the Department of Labor (DOL) and is publicly available to anyone willing to look for it. We’ve attempted to make the data more digestible in an effort to surface some interesting stories contained within the data.

A little about the maps

Perhaps the coolest feature on the site is the interactive Immigration Data Map. This is where you can research designated market areas (DMAs) and view average salaries, as well as the average number of Labor Certified Applications (LCA) filed in each DMA, all broken down by job titles. In other words, this is an entirely visual way of manipulating a massive data set that represents the entire supply of sponsored foreign nationals filling America’s highly-skilled jobs. With the help of this data and outside resources like our annual Immigration Trends Report, the Envoy editorial team will publish in-depth analyses and discuss trends in immigration policy and global mobility on the Insights blog.

Why we created this website

Government data isn’t the easiest to decipher, and even when you do, it isn’t always clear what the numbers are telling you. By building Envoy Insights, we’re taking information important to U.S. businesses and turning it into a tool to utilize when building and refining talent acquisition strategies and corporate immigration policies.  Envoy Insights is a living, breathing website, and as the government continues to release new data, we’ll incorporate it into the corresponding map. The Insights blog will also be regularly updated with relevant content about current trends, new data and the impact of immigration on businesses and regions across the U.S. We invite you to give our map a test drive and read about some new and noteworthy trends. If you have any feedback or questions, please don’t hesitate to send it our way.

About Envoy Insights

Envoy Global makes it easier for employees to pursue employment opportunities across the global marketplace by helping human resources teams and foreign national employees navigate the stressful and complex immigration process.

It is this original mission statement that’s driven us to build and share Envoy Insights. Government data isn’t the easiest to decipher, and even when you do, it isn’t always clear what the numbers are telling you. By building Envoy Insights, we’re taking information important to U.S. businesses and turning it into a tool to utilize when building and refining talent acquisition strategies and immigration policies. Envoy Insights is a living, breathing website, and as the government releases new data, we’ll incorporate it into the Data Map. The Insights blog will also be regularly updated with relevant content about current trends, new data and the impact of immigration on businesses and regions across the U.S. We invite you to give our map a test drive and read about some new and noteworthy trends. If you have any feedback or questions, please don’t hesitate to send it our way.