Norway: Changes to Entry Restrictions

Last Updated on February 23, 2023

Key Points  

  •  New quarantine requirements for travelers from six countries or regions  


The Norwegian government introduced new quarantine requirements that went into effect Nov. 1, 2021 for travelers arriving from Greenland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and the Zealand region in Denmark.  

What are the Changes? 

Under these new requirements, travelers arriving from the countries of Greenland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Denmark’s region of Zealand will be subject to travel quarantine restrictions. These countries were previously listed as orange countries according to Norway’s travel list, but have now been marked as red areas. For entry quarantine, travelers must undergo a 10-day quarantine after entering Norway. In some cases, the quarantine period may be shortened if a negative PCR test taken no earlier than 3 days after arrival is presented. For more information concerning quarantine locations and more, click here.  

Looking Ahead 

Continue to check the Norwegian government’s website and Envoy’s website for additional information and updates.  


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